Magisterské projekty

Informační systémy

Doležel, V. HTML to WML Convertor
Fiedler, Z. Critical Requirements of the Information System Design
Horní, T. Deep Top-Down Parsers
Chmelař, P. Mining Association Rules from Texture Databases
Jurka, P. Mining Quantitative Association Rules in Large Relation Tables
Kunc, M. Parsing Based on Pushdown Transducers
Majtán, J. A Parsing Method Based on a Set of Grammars
Novosad, M. WAP Convertor
Obrdlík, L. Automata with Deep Pushdowns
Polák, V. Transparent Integration MS SQL Databases into Oracle
Schönecker, R. Linear n-parallel Automata
Slaný, K. Parallel Language Operations - Controlled Text Insertion
Techet, J. Canonical Scattered Context Generators of Sentences with Their Parses
Vintera, J. BUT Central Contract Register
Weiss, P. Relational Database System
