Doktorské projekty

Teoretická elektrotechnika, fyzika a matematika

Dallaeva, D. Morphology and Structural Investigation of Aluminum Nitride Layers Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering
Chernikava, A. Closure Properties of the Formal Contexts
Klampár, M., Szőcs, J., Lontrasová, A. New Ways of Fabrication of Experimental Samples for Dielectrical Measurements
Křehlík, ©. Quasi–multiautomata Formed by Continuous Functions and by Second-order Linear Differential Operators in the Jacobi Form
Piddubna, G. Controllability and Control Construction for Linear Matrix Systems with Delay
Prokopyeva, E. Electrical Properties of Meat
Sergeev, E. Morphology Difference of Identical Prepared Field-Emitters
Spohner, M., Cséfalvay, G. Mineral Oils and Methyl Esters of Natural Oils in Electrical Engineering
Vondra, M. The Luminous Characteristics of OLED Light Panel
