Doktorské projekty

Silnoproudá elektrotechnika a elektroenergetika

Bartošík, T. Prediction of Wind Turbine Power Using Autoregresive Model and Markov Chain
Běloušek, R. Sensitivity Analysis of the Induction Machine Substituting Circuit Elements
Bernáth, F. Voltage Control by Reactive Power Regulation of Dispersed Sources
Foral, Š. Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of Nuclear Fuels
Krbal, M. The Power High Voltage Capacitive Divider
Morávek, J. Control System with Indrustrial PLC
Polák J. Efficiency Measurement of the Motor Operator
Prudík, M. DC/DC Converter Using Fast-Switching Components
Španěl, P. The Leakage Inductance Dependence on HF Transformer Winding Arragement
Vašíček, A. Simple Resonant Frequency Tracker and Estimator
